I’ve read your book today and I am so moved. I missed the directions to Danny about how to send love, but I’m not to the end yet. Wow! Anyway, I am so moved.
Klaus, It is a pleasure that you and your experiences have entered my life. I just finished your book and am on the exercises at the end. What a life changing experience. THIS is the missing link. That abundance of love. Now I know that. Thanks. This book is an absolute necessity to get out to people.
Greetings, I just read your Book “Living on Love”. I loved it. It rings very true for me.
Hi! I have read so many books in the past 20 years and have tried so many paths. You’re opening chapters really grabbed me. Thank you!
Tuesday, I read your book. I felt I was sitting in Neena’s bar. It was the right information at the right time. Thank you for your book. Now to apply the information…….G.
Dear Klaus,
I read Living on Love ” The Messenger”. You did good! It’s a great contribution to World Spirit.
Much love and admiration,
V. J. P.
Book Review from Phenowenews
From PGuided Links had a long list of interesting opportunities for exploration. I clicked Living on Love https://livingonlove.com/ where I was able to download a free copy of a book series by Klaus J Joehle called There’s an Angel Under My Bed And A Dragon Inside. It’s long and unedited. In fact, the words are close substitutes for what the author intended. It’s almost like Joehle used a speech recognition/dictation program so that a word like “or” might be spelled “ore.” I found it distracting at first but after a few chapters, I could read right over it. He made some incredible claims in the forward, but he also seemed to make good on them as the manuscript progressed.
Joehle explains it in his welcome.
“Hi! Thanks for visiting. This site is dedicated to all those who wish to make a difference in their life and in this world.
“For centuries, certain information about love and the amount of power it gives you has been kept secret and hidden. That’s all about to change. If you want to create the life you have dreamed about then read on.
“In all honesty the last thing I want to do was become a writer, especially writing about love. If it wasn’t for the amount of power and ability that love gave me to create the life I wanted, I wouldn’t even consider it. Using love I have found that I can virtually instantly create everything I want. Using love I have gained so much ability and power to create what I desire that if it wasn’t love that I’m using then it would almost be scary. My life has turned into a fairy tale and is beyond anything I have ever hoped possible for myself. I know that this sounds like a big statement to make. But it’s quite true. Even my sweetheart who was open minded but also skeptical had little choice but to believe because the magic is an every day thing, almost beyond words. The amount of personal power that love gives you, not to control others but to create your life and your experiences is overwhelming. The beautiful thing about it is that it also seems always to work out the best for everyone in the end. After all, if it wasn’t all that great then it wouldn’t have been kept a secret.
“Working and creating with love is very easy, there is a little knack to it, but extremely easy to learn. The list of what you can do with love or perhaps I could say love energy is endless. I could give you several hundred examples. You’ll find quite a few examples in the book There’s an Angel Under my Bed And a Dragon in which by the way is a free download. My favorite saying is; Take what you like and leave the rest for someone that might love it. The choice is yours.”
Dear Klaus,
Just wanted to thank you for writing your book. It really inspired me and helped me learn some practical ways of using some of the information I’ve been learning from A Course In Miracles (another spiritual book which is put out by The Foundation for Inner Peace). You’ve helped me understand them better too, I think, which is another answer to my prayers.
I’m glad you’re getting this information out there
“Klaus, the book “Living On Love – The Messenger” will touch anyone’s heart who, intuitively, knows love is the answer to all of life’s problems. It does not matter if you have money, health, relationship, or work related problems, this book explains why love is the answer. The best book written to date on the subject of love, where to find it and how to use it.
The author’s ability to write about the “power of love” in clear, concise and practical terms is mind blowing. Klaus writes in a way that makes you feel you are right there with him as the events in the story unfold. In fact, I found myself not wanting the book to end. His book is refreshing, riveting and destined to become bestseller. It is a classic in its own right and will stand right along side such classic as Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Illusions and The Bridge Across Forever written by author Richard Bach.”
– Frederick Zappone, Author of Mastering The Moment
Warmest Regards,
Frederick Zappone
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